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Namirial obtains Remote Identity Verification Provider (PVID) certification from ANSSI for its Netheos ID MAX product

Namirial, a leader in identity verification, electronic document management and electronic signature, announces that it has been awarded the Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (ANSSI) Security Visa for Remote Identity Verification Providers (PVID).

A guarantee of conformity

This certification confirms Namirial’s position as European leader in compliant trust services, and underlines its aspiration in the French digital identity market. It is particularly important for regulated entities such as financial institutions and insurance companies. In the context of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (LCB-FT), these players must meet strict KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements. PVID and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) are thus becoming decisive criteria in their choice of service providers, guaranteeing the conformity of their identity verification processes.

Pierre Pontier

“We are proud to be among the first players to be certified PVID by ANSSI. This is an immense honor for our teams and our customers. This certification attests to our expertise in digital identity, and reaffirms our commitment to remote security and trust. It supports our strategic and technological choices, which enable Netheos to offer the best user experience while guaranteeing the highest levels of security. Our team of anti-fraud experts, the only one of its kind in France, has also been recognized for its excellence, professionalism and unrivalled ability to rapidly detect and prevent fraudulent activities.”

Pierre Pontier, General Manager, Namirial France

Find out more about ANSSI PVID certification

Optimal user experience

The user experience offered by the Netheos ID MAX solution is the result of several years’ work and improvements thanks to close collaboration with our customers.
A great deal of iterative work was carried out, and feedback from partners and end-users was regularly incorporated.
Netheos ID MAX captures users’ identity documents and faces, automatically analyzes data validity and conformity with AI in real time, and guarantees authenticity through anti-fraud experts. The certified solution reduces the risk of identity theft, and provides didactic support for users by reinforcing live detection with random actions. This unique experience, which sets us apart from other solutions on the market, guarantees fluidity, ease of use and accessibility for as many people as possible, so as to maintain a high conversion rate and minimize abandonment or failure.

David Emo

“This certification is the fruit of nearly 2 years’ teamwork. Every part of the company was involved in the process. In collaboration with ANSSI, we advanced our solution throughout the various audits to achieve the highest standards in terms of security, availability and user experience. I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved, and this success is the culmination of 10 years of expertise working with our customers and partners in the field of digital trust.”

David Emo, Executive Vice President and CTO

Learn more about Netheos ID Max

Human intelligence in the fight against fraud

One of the requirements of the standard is systematic decision-making by a human, who has to check videos and data manually. Namirial sets itself apart from competing solutions by offering a team of anti-fraud experts based entirely in France. A team created in 2021 and trained by specialists in identity and document fraud. Based in Montpellier, these experts are continuously trained and regularly audited to maintain a high level of safety.
The team is responsible for checking documents manually, with the support of Artificial Intelligence controls. Available 24/7, it can analyze French documents as well as those from all over the world, according to over 350 control grids, while delivering a final verdict in less than 5 minutes.

Find out more about the Anti-Fraud Department

Read the press release

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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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