Netheos Solutions

Instant identity verification

Netheos’ various identity verification solutions are continually adapted to your needs and to technological developments, enabling you to control fraud with the assurance of compliance.

Netheos ID

AI analysis of all ID documents in 3 seconds

Control identity documents with reliable, fast and consistent artificial intelligence, 95% without human verification.

Netheos ID+

The fastest remote identity verification with facial recognition

Eliminate the risk of identity theft with ®Facematch and an average end-to-end user journey time of 48 seconds.

Netheos ID FAST

Video identity verification with the best user experience on the market

Fight identity theft and benefit from the highest conversion rate.

Netheos ID MAX

The most secure video identity verification thanks to patented challenges

Verify remote identity with our PVID course, currently being certified by ANSSI. The combination of AI and people, 24/7, with a response in less than 2 minutes.

Netheos KYC Check

Automating your remediation campaigns with AI

Restore your compliance while reducing your processing costs by 70%.

Contact us!

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