Document verification

Netheos Doc Check

100% automated analysis of customer receipts thanks to AI

Check the quality, type, consistency and authenticity of a wide range of documents, thanks to our proprietary OCR and Machine Learning technologies.


These companies put their trust in us. Join them!

The benefits of Netheos Doc Check

4 layers of controls

Quality, type, consistency and authenticity analysis.

Reduced manual process

Reduce the time and resources needed to process documents.

Time saving

The analysis takes place automatically in just a few seconds.

Wide choice of documents

Identity, pay slips, tax notices, invoices, payment schedules, certificates…

Simplified user experience

Fluid process allowing users to be autonomous.

Better recognition and reading rates

Proprietary OCR and Machine Learning technologies.

Do you have any questions?

Contact one of our solution experts and find out how Netheos can help you control documents.

How Netheos Doc Check works

Our solution is accessible via all media (computers, mobiles, tablets). The process is done entirely online and is carried out in 4 quick and easy steps:

  1. Quality control

    Is the image sent acceptable?
    The first check is to verify the quality of the image sent: is it bright enough? Is it clean?

  2. Check document type

    Is this the right document?
    The second check verifies that the document submitted corresponds to the expected document.

  1. Consistency check

    Is the document compliant?
    Based on the information supplied in advance, we ensure that the data in the document is consistent. We check that the user has not made any errors in the data they have supplied.

  2. Authenticity analysis

    Is the document fraudulent?
    For this stage, our Artificial Intelligence algorithms perform a host of checks within the document, and call on databases to verify the accuracy of the information present. They ensure that the document has not been edited.

Netheos Doc Check key figures

6 seconds

Automated analysis time.


Rate of AI audit automation.


Rate of complete and compliant customer files.

Real-time analysis and feedback

Today’s users want to be able to easily transmit the documents they need to finalize their transaction. For them, waiting is out of the question: immediacy has become the rule.

Artificial Intelligence has thus created a real breakthrough in the customer experience, making it more fluid. It enables real-time analysis of transmitted documents. The user knows immediately if his document is correct. If you make a mistake, you’ll receive personalized messages to help you rectify it in total self-care.

Would you like to find out more?

Make an appointment with one of our experts to explore how Netheos solutions enable you to automate customer credential verification using AI.

They tell us how Netheos has helped them grow.

“We have considerably reduced the processing time of our files from an average of 34 days to 2 days.”

Christian CARREGA

General Manager - Préfon

Stephan REIZER

DG Digital Transformation and Data Management - In'Li

“When we conducted our benchmark, Netheos was the only player to detect a false pay slip where the error resided in a non-existent date “06/31/2019.” Beyond this example, the performance level of their controls met our expectations.”


Vertuloo Manager - Bessé Immobilier & Construction


A large number of documents can be analyzed using our algorithms. The main documents we analyze are proof of identity, bank details, address and income: identity documents, bank details, salary slips, invoices, schedules, tax notices, property tax, vehicle registration certificates, certificates, pension slips, etc… Whether your documents are standardized or not, we can extract and analyze their content according to your specific needs.

Our technologies can be easily integrated into your systems thanks to our APIs based on REST and JSON standards. The documentation ensures rapid integration and rapid implementation of the solution.

Manual processing of supporting documents not only disrupts the customer experience, but also increases the payroll dedicated solely to document control. By automating checks, the time spent processing customer files manually can be allocated to improving commercial relations, tasks with higher added value for companies.

Our algorithms detect any attempt at document fraud: modifications, falsifications, usurpation. Numerous checks ensure that the documents are genuine. The personal data that passes through our platforms remains perfectly secure in highly certified data centers.

The service is operational around the clock. Last year, availability was 99.987%. A business continuity and recovery plan guarantees the robustness of the solution.

Contact us!

Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

You can discover :

  • How we can meet your specific needs and expectations
  • A personalized demo, allowing you to appreciate the fluid experience we offer
  • Customer feedback and case studies of similar companies that have integrated our solutions
  • Advantages, benefits and value according to your use case