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Digital identity: operational launch of the POTENTIAL consortium

On July 10 and 11, 2023, the French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas France and the Agence nationale des titres sécurisés (ANTS) inaugurated the work of the European POTENTIAL consortium. As project coordinator, France welcomed its European partners to the operational launch of this initiative for the future European digital portfolio.

This ambitious project aims to experiment with digital identity on a European scale, in collaboration with 38 ministries, 34 state operators, 9 research centers, 51 major companies and 12 start-ups from 19 EU member states and Ukraine.

The POTENTIAL consortium was created in response to the call for projects launched last year by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe program. This program aims to promote the use of digital technologies by public administrations, citizens and businesses.

The main aim of POTENTIAL is to test the implementation of a digital identity wallet that will simplify and secure the online procedures of European citizens, facilitate the processing of administrative procedures by government services, and help combat identity theft. The project will run for over 2 years and will include 6 use cases to demonstrate the effectiveness of national digital identity solutions and their interoperability on a European scale: access to online public services, opening online bank accounts, SIM card registration, creation of a “digital companion” for driving licenses, qualified remote electronic signature, electronic medical prescription.

Through its participation in the POTENTIAL consortium, Netheos and the Namirial group are contributing to the development of the digital identity portfolio. The construction and testing of the European digital identity portfolio will be spread over two distinct phases. The first phase will focus on testing national solutions until October 2024, while the second phase will include cross-border tests to ensure interoperability between the different solutions.

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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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