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The Namirial group held its first international convention, TRUST23!

The biggest Namirial convention ever held brought together employees from all over the world in Rome on February 15 and 16.

The event was christened TRUST23, in reference to the group’s DNA, trust, while highlighting group cohesion through the “US” for “we”. It brought together no fewer than 800 employees of 10 different nationalities! The recent acquisitions of Netheos, Evicertia, Bit4id and Uanataca have given the group a whole new dimension. This event was the perfect opportunity to establish solid common ground. As well as meeting up and exchanging ideas in person, it was a great opportunity to set the course for a joint ambition.

Talents from all over the world were able to meet up, share ideas and spend time together, to give each other more inspiration, motivation and impetus. On the program: conferences, roundtables, workshops, testimonials including that of author

Alec Ross

and an unmissable Gala evening.

As the true Artificial Intelligence hub of the Namirial group, our CTO and Executive Vice President,

David Emo

spoke on the subject: strengths, weaknesses, future ambitions. In particular, he discussed its importance in remote onboarding processes, and in particular in fraud detection. AI not only makes things easier, it also makes them safer.

The Group’s vision for the coming years is simple: to continue innovating by offering cutting-edge solutions and constantly improving the customer experience.

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Picture of Adrien


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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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