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UNMI speeds up the digitization of its sales processes with Netheos solutions

UNMI is stepping up the pace of its digital online platforms: an extranet and an OAV, both aimed at the group, self-employed and individual markets.

Launched in mid-February, the new Outil d’Aide à la Vente (OAV) (Sales Support Tool) enables you to sell remotely, with expert guidance on branch agreements and compulsory schemes. The enrolment process is 100% online, with an electronic signature and an online medical questionnaire. The advisor is supported throughout the sales process for UNMI provident products.

The extranet, meanwhile, will be rolled out shortly, enabling partners to monitor their portfolios more effectively and policyholders to access their information more easily.

In addition to facilitating the distribution and monitoring of contracts, these two fully digitized tools help to improve compliance.

These tools, developed in partnership with Assurtechs FASST and Netheos, are part of the continuity of UNMI’s digital transformation initiated in 2019 with the launch of a

new management tool

in SaaS mode.


Loredana Maïer UNMI

“The deployment of these new tools marks an important step in our sales policy with member mutuals, but also in the diversification of our distribution channels already successfully undertaken with brokers.”

Loredana Maïer, General Manager – UNMI.


About UNMI :

Founded in 1929, UNMI (Union Nationale Mutualiste Interprofessionnelle) is a major player in the social economy and the mutualist world. Its ambition is to provide its partners with the best tools to develop their business.
and maintain their independence. To this end, UNMI provides mutual insurers, brokers and banks with a range of high-performance provident and loan insurance products and a wide range of services.

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About Netheos :

Founded in 2004, Netheos is a French SaaS software company that speeds up and automates remote underwriting, while ensuring regulatory compliance (KYC / additional due diligence measures, solvency, etc.). Netheos, publisher of the Trust and Sign and API platforms, optimizes conversion rates where trust is a major issue. Its customers include banks and insurance companies such as Floa Bank, CNP, Euler Hermes, Franfinance, Préfon…

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About FASST:

FASST is a startup founded in 2017 by experts in personal insurance and specialized in creating digital solutions for insurers, Mutuelles and brokers. Its customers are France’s leading insurers (Ag2r La Mondiale / MMA / APICIL…), for whom it has developed a range of unique products based on APIs, artificial intelligence and white-label platforms. FASST has received the Finance Innovation label and has been selected to join the worldwide Microsoft for Startup program.

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