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New Trust and Sign features: Google analytics integration and manual e-file catch-up

Trust and Sign is evolving to offer you even more features to optimize your digital subscription processes.

Here are just a few of the new features:

Contractual packageliasse_contractuelle
Trust and Sign now enables you to sign all the documents in a contract bundle at once, as part of our ongoing commitment to simplifying your users’ experience. To prove his identity, the user enters the code received by SMS (OTP) and, if necessary, uploads his ID (especially if he’s a prospect) for the whole bundle. Of course, a single signature for n documents also means savings!


Manual catch-up of Trust and Sign e-file
When an automatic check fails due to poor image quality, the Trust and Sign backoffice interface can now be used to manually correct the data in order to restart the check. This applies to all types of documents, including identity documents.

Google Analyticsgoogle_analytics
We know that better understanding your users’ behavior is essential to improving your conversion rates. With Trust and Sign, you can now finely track their actions throughout their journey via a collection of events that can be easily integrated into Google Analytics (or another analytics tool).


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Deputy Managing Director and CTO | At Netheos, I'm interested in all digital customer relationship issues as well as AI, and I'm taking advantage of this blog to share my analyses with you.
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