Netheos News

Netheos officially joins the Paris Appeal for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

Netheos, officially joins the Paris Appeal for trust and security in cyberspace, launched by French President Emmanuel Macron.

On the occasion of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the
Paris Appeal
was launched. The aim of this declaration is to secure the support of a number of public and private entities for a shared commitment in the face of new threats in cyberspace.

Increasing prevention and resilience to online malicious activity

A player in the digital trust market since 2004, Netheos has naturally joined this call. It will contribute to this in 2019 by doubling its R&D investments to accelerate the development of technologies ensuring the trustworthiness of online transactions, particularly in the fields of Artificial Intelligence.

Today, Netheos is a trusted
trusted third party
that combines electronic signature and KYC (Know Your Customer) technologies to facilitate and secure highly regulated digital transactions, such as the purchase of banking and insurance products. To achieve this, it relies on technologies developed in-house and therefore 100% mastered (compliant with
), with a view to both regulatory compliance and customer transformation rates.

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Picture of Adrien


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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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