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Netheos joins FNTC

Netheos joins the FNTC in the n°2 college representing trusted service providers and publishers.

The rise of dematerialization in many sectors, such as underwriting financial products or compiling rental files, is forcing market players to provide guarantees of quality and trust.It was with this in mind that Netheos joined the FNTC, which as the representative of Trusted Third Parties, aims to establish trust and promote security and quality of service in the world of the digital economy. It also provides a unique forum for bringing together all market players and supporting the growth of the digital economy.

Netheos thus confirms its commitment to respecting recommendations and obligations in terms of data management and confidentiality. Netheos is involved in the development of future standards that will ensure trust in an increasingly dematerialized economy. For our customers, it’s the assurance that their investments will last.

About FNTC
Created in January 2001, the Fédération Nationale des Tiers de Confiance now has over fifty members divided into 4 colleges. It brings together professionals such as Third-Party Certifiers, Third-Party Archivers, Third-Party Time Stampers and Third-Party Hosters, as well as users and professional organizations directly or indirectly concerned by the security of electronic exchanges and information storage. Its aim is to establish trust, promote the security and quality of services in the world of the digital economy, guarantee users and defend the rights and interests of the Trusted Third Party profession.




Author of the article
Picture of Adrien


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