Netheos News

Cybersecurity: welcome to Hexatrust Occitanie!

Cybersecurity: Hexatrust OccitanieFive members of the national
together launch
Hexatrust Occitanie
. The aim of this initiative is to unite the region’s cybersecurity nuggets, and to support regional companies in meeting these challenges.

Founded in 2014, Hexatrust was born of the shared desire of SMEs and startups to establish themselves as a key player and a privileged interlocutor on the subjects of cybersecurity and digital trust.

Netheos and Hexatrust Occitanie

Olivier Détour, CEO of
is one of the founding members of Hexatrust. Responsible for his company’s shift from cybersecurity to digital trust, he says:

“Without quality cyber services, there can be no trust in our digital economy. This is the basis of any service handling sensitive information, especially when it is of a personal nature. We are fortunate in France to have particularly efficient SMEs in this field; let’s make the most of them.”

Today, Netheos secures and automates the highly regulated subscription processes of banks and insurance companies, reconciling KYC and user experience. Our cyber expertise is at the heart of the confidence our customers have been investing in our SaaS software for the past 8 years.

Last May, Netheos joined forces with four other local companies (
) to launch the Hexatrust Occitanie club alongside institutional players, laboratories and schools. The privileged ecosystem represented by Hexatrust Occitanie is the first regional delegation of the Hexatrust group.

Hexatrust Occitanie, in line with the European Commission’s project

The European Commission has created the
for a digital Europe
“to support the digital transformation of European society and the economy. With an overall budget of 9.2 billion euros, the Commission will allocate its budget to 5 priority areas: high-performance computing (2.7 billion), Artificial Intelligence (2.5 billion), cybersecurity and trust (2 billion), advanced digital skills (700 million), and the widespread use of digital technologies throughout society (1.3 billion).

A bright future ahead for Hexatrust Occitanie members!

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Author of the article
Picture of Fabien


Chief Marketing Officer | Head Of Marketing @ Netheos, a Namirial Product 🆔 | Growth Marketing specialist | Inbound Marketing lover | AARRR enthusiast | Dad
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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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