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A look back at the 4 trophies won by Netheos in 2018

Netheos Banque Innovation Label Insurance Trophy

2018 has just come to a close, and it’s time to take stock. A total of 4 trophies were awarded this year in recognition of the quality of service offered by Netheos. A look back at the 4 major trophies:

Strong Authentication Award at Payforum

The must-attend event for payment professionals takes place every year in Paris. This event brings together the key players in the electronic payment sector for conferences and workshops. Every year, the PayForum Awards recognize innovative, compliant fintechs that focus on the user experience. Netheos won the 2018 Electronic Authentication and Signature Award.

PayForum Awards 2018PayForum Netheos Awards Authentication Prize Electronic signature


Electronic Signature Award at the Salon Banque Innovation

The Grands Prix Banque & Innovation recognize the innovation and performance of companies developing banking innovation solutions. A certified trust service provider since 2003, Netheos won this year’s award in the Electronic Signature category.

Grand Prix Banque & Innovation 2018


Assurtech Trophy from Argus de l’Assurance

The Argus de l’Assurance start-up trophies are awarded by a jury of personalities from the insurance and digital sectors. At the “start-up and insurance” conference held last September, Netheos was awarded the Assurtech trophy alongside 3 other start-ups.

Argus de l'Assurance Start-up Trophy


Insurance” label awarded by Finance Innovation

After the “Bank” label obtained in 2014, Finance Innovation is reaffirming its confidence in Netheos by awarding it a second label for its Trust & Sign solution. The award of this new “Insurance” label reflects Netheos’ determination to offer a global solution to the banking and insurance industries.

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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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