
Trust and Sign and B2B remote electronic signatures

The Trust and Sign solution from NETHEOS makes it possible to speed up and secure the

signature of a business customer

from identification of the signatory to identification of the company, including proof of the legal link between the two. All this to improve your customers’ experience while meeting your regulatory obligations.

How does a company sign remotely?



The user fills in a form with his personal information (physical person) and that of his company (legal entity).

Trust and Sign uses this data to carry out a series of checks with the company register: that the SIREN entered is correct, that the company exists and is in business, and that the identity of the individual signing the legal document is that of a corporate officer.



Supporting documents

The user submits his/her identity document (national identity card, passport, resident card) to provide proof of his/her identity as a natural person. As well as checking the document’s authenticity, we also check the consistency of the data it contains with that previously entered, to ensure that it is indeed that of the company’s authorized representative.



Electronic signature

The user signs the contract electronically, using an SMS OTP code sent to his or her phone. The electronic certificate generated is that of a natural person, and the signature level is “advanced” as defined by the European eIDAS regulation.






Anomalies detected

In the event of an inconsistency in the file, for example when the individual signatory is not the legal entity’s representative, Trust and Sign will notify the signatory in order to trigger a manual process via its back office interface, or a 100% automated process via its APIs.



How is Trust and Sign configured?

Our solution is 100% customizable, tailored to your specific business needs.

In the Trust and Sign configuration interface, you choose which documents are mandatory and which checks you wish to carry out. This allows you to add documents to be automatically checked, such as a bank details slip or proof of address. It is also from this interface that you describe your evidence file, which can be archived in “Y” format, i.e. in several places (Système d’Archivage Electronique for long-term evidence, your GED for day-to-day use, etc.).

Trust and Sign is a rapidly operational B2B sales solution with multiple benefits (real-time tracking of incoming customer files, automated follow-up by e-mail or SMS, etc.).


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Picture of Adrien


Digital marketing manager | As part of the Netheos Marketing team, I'm using this blog to share all the latest company news with you.
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Pierre Pontier General Manager, Namirial France

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