Netheos qualified electronic signature

The eIDAS electronic signature with the highest level of security

Sign in just a few clicks thanks to the electronic signature with qualified certificate, the only legal equivalent of a handwritten signature.


Companies that can't afford to cut corners
on safety have joined us!

You can make do with a few benefits
...or you can choose our solution

Fluid, fast and intuitive customer experience

Simplify your routes in 3 easy steps, which can be carried out remotely.

Maximum conversion rate

Guarantee high completion rates and optimize your conversions.

Completely eliminates the risk of fraud

Eliminate fraud with facial recognition and our expert anti-fraud service.

Total regulatory compliance

Ensure your compliance with the 5th LCB-FT Directive.

Best possible legal protection

The only level recognized as having the same legal value as a handwritten signature.

Alternative to PVID-certified courses

Because of the security requirements imposed by the ANSSI, PVID imposes rigidity on the customer experience.

Contact one of our solution experts

You’ll learn more about our competitive advantages, the benefits that QES can bring to your business and, above all, why our most fluid solution on the market can maximize your conversion rates, in full compliance!

How Netheos Qualified Electronic Signature works

Our qualified electronic signature solution is accessible via all media (computers, mobiles, tablets). The entire process is carried out online, in 5 quick and easy steps:

  1. Video capture of identity document

    Capture is live: the user frames his document, which he must have in his possession.

  2. Passive facial recognition

    At this stage, live detection is passive and transparent for the user: no action is required. This step ensures that the user is the legitimate holder of the identity document.

  3. Sent for analysis

    To guarantee the highest level of security, final verification is carried out by our expert anti-fraud department. Based in France and available 24/7, our team complements the results obtained by Artificial Intelligence.

Netheos Qualified Electronic Signature
  1. The user consults his contract

    After reading the contract in full, the signatory can accept its clauses and then proceed to sign it by receiving a secret code by SMS OTP on their cell phone.

  2. User signs contract

    The 6-digit code received by SMS OTP enables the user to electronically sign the contract, making the signature legally valid throughout the European Union.

Key figures


Our anti-fraud service is available 24/7, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted user experience.

2 minutes

Average end-to-end user journey time.


Fully completed courses.

They tell us how Netheos has helped them grow.

Netheos has improved our transformation rate throughout the entire process. Above all, it has significantly shortened transformation times. And clearly, very significantly, improved return rates. “


Executive Vice-President
Floa Bank (Banque Casino)

“Thanks to our partnership with Netheos, customers can take out a loan entirely online. We are continuing to deploy the solution in our various routes for functions that are increasingly in demand, such as anti-fraud. “


Project Manager

“Netheos offers a low-code subscription path for the integrator that will enable us to accept today and tomorrow all the new technologies needed to achieve the finest user experience.”


CNP Assurances

Interested? Contact our expert free of charge

One of our solution experts will be able to answer all your questions. And if you wish, he or she can also show you how our solution can help you maximize your conversion rates and secure your customer journeys through a personalized demo.


No, on the contrary! Our identity verification path has the best user experience on the market, with a completion rate of around 93%!

To guarantee a high level of conversion, the user is guided directly through the entire process. Textual and visual elements show him how to shoot. Frames and dynamic elements simply inform you of the quality of your capture (brightness, sharpness, layout). A progress bar accompanies it to show how far you’ve progressed at each stage.

No ! At Netheos, we’ve opted for dematerialization. The QSCD (Qualified Signature Creation Device) containing the qualified certificate is a cloud system managed by a trusted service provider: us. The transaction can therefore be carried out entirely remotely, without physical support.

We analyze the quality, consistency and authenticity of the identity document. We compare the facial image with the user’s photo to prevent identity theft. Live detection ensures that the user is active and that it’s not a presentation (video, photo, use of masks).

The main advantage of ®Facematch FAST, our Artificial Intelligence identity verification tool, is that the detection of the living person is passive and totally transparent to the user. All he has to do is present his face and hold the position for 5 seconds. Our algorithms are able to confirm the “living” character of the user through the perception of micro-movements.

No. For this solution, the user must present his or her ID “live”. He cannot import a document if he has already captured his ID.

Let us tell you how the Netheos solution can help you

Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

You can discover :

  • How we can meet your specific needs and expectations
  • A personalized demo, allowing you to appreciate the fluid experience we offer
  • Customer feedback and case studies of similar companies that have integrated our solutions
  • Advantages, benefits and value according to your use case