Namirial solutions for a 100% compliant PDP platform

Facilitate the commercial success of the platform! Our 2 solutions guarantee a 100% remote, compliant and secure subscription process, with no loss of conversion:


They have chosen Namirial to guarantee digital confidence and successfully convert their online offers in full compliance!

We can help!

Namirial supports you in the success of your electronic invoicing offer by allowing you to :

  • Reinforce compliance of your PDP application with Namirial, No. 1 in France for identity verification of service operators, ANSSI PVID certified, eIDAS compliant
  • Stand out from the crowd with 61 other PDP candidate operators thanks to 100% digital onboarding, highly secure, compliant and with no loss of conversion
  • Accelerate your time-to-market thanks to quick and easy API integration of our solutions
  • Facilitate the return of your audit file by helping you put it together

📢 Namirial is PVID certified by ANSSI!

In 2023, Namirial took a new step in its development by becoming an official Remote Identity Verification Provider (PVID), thanks to the ANSSI’s security visa.

With this certification, our PVID remote identity verification solution offers a substantial level of assurance. For , this is a guarantee of compliance with article 242 nonies F, which sets out the minimum technical specifications and procedures for the electronic identification solution to be integrated into your PDP platform.

Our solutions for a compliant, fast and secure digital subscription process

The eIDAS guarantee levels of our 2 electronic identification solutions ensure full compliance with article 242 nonies F of the French General Tax Code, appendix II.

The fastest qualified electronic signature on the market

Qualified electronic signature path integrating identity verification by video facial recognition in less than 40 seconds, the fastest on the market! Customizable to your requirements, it ensures maximum conversion rates.

eIDAS compliance level: reliable verification of the user’s identity + two-factor authentication mechanism, one of which is dynamic.

Speed :

Facilitate contractualization of your PDP and e-invoice offers directly or via your partners

File quality

AI-based detection of document fraud

40 seconds

Maximum time for identity verification: the fastest on the market!

2 minutes

Average end-to-end user journey time.


Fully completed courses.

The most secure identity verification on the market

The ANSSI-certified PVID identity verification solution for corporate bodies and individuals. The combination of AI and people, available 24/7 and based in France, with an end-to-end journey in less than 2 minutes.

eIDAS compliance level: Substantial level of guarantee of the user’s electronic means of identification (reliability similar to face-to-face verification).

Safety :

Strengthen the compliance and security of your PDP 🔒


Our anti-fraud service is available 24/7, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted user experience.


MAX facial recognition completely eliminates the risk of impersonation.

2 minutes

Average end-to-end user journey time.

5 minutes

Our anti-fraud experts guarantee a final result in less than 5 minutes.

Would you like to try our solution live?

Schedule an appointment with Capucine if you have any questions or if you wish to try our solutions to discover how they can help verify the identity of legal entities using your PDP platform securely, compliantly and without losing conversion.

Differentiate and add value in 1 sprint!

Because we know that the delivery of your compliance audit file is fast approaching, we are committed to offering you a smooth and rapid integration of our remote identity verification solutions via our APIs.

In addition, our experts will be at your side during the integration phase, to support you in all aspects of your business and answer any questions you may have about the regulatory compliance of your solution.

Developing a trusting partnership

Because putting together an audit file is never an easy task, we'll put our business expertise and ANSSI-certified status to work for you at .
You should also know that we provide full support for our customers, including technical assistance, fault reporting, management of steering committees, consideration of upgrade requests and assistance with version upgrades. At the same time, we adopt a methodical approach to project management, from scoping to production launch, guaranteeing success and satisfaction at every stage.

They tell us how Namirial has helped them grow.

Namirial has improved our transformation rate throughout the entire process. Above all, it has significantly shortened transformation times. And has clearly, very significantly, improved return rates. “


Executive Vice-President
Floa Bank (Banque Casino)

“When we carried out our benchmark, Namirial was the only player to detect a false payslip where the error lay in a non-existent date “le 31/06/2019”. Beyond this example, the performance level of their controls met our expectations.”


Vertuloo Manager
Bessé Immobilier & Construction

“Namirial offers a low-code subscription path for the integrator that will enable us to accept today and tomorrow all the new technologies needed to achieve the finest user experience.”


CNP Assurances

Let's make an appointment!

I'd be happy to schedule a 30-minute telephone appointment with you to present our solutions. Please choose the day and time that suits you best.

During this call, you can discover :

  • How we can meet your specific needs and expectations
  • A personalized demo, allowing you to appreciate the fluid experience we offer
  • Customer feedback and case studies of similar companies that have integrated our solutions
  • Advantages, benefits and value according to your use case

Capucine de Lacvivier

Solution expert at Namirial